Wednesday 22 April 2009

Things are looking up!

All the dirty work has been done and our house is gradually being put back together. We had builders in all last week - I've never got through so many packets of biscuits and teabags - and all the flood repair work has been done. Next week, it's the turn of the decorators. Everything is covered in a layer of concrete and plaster dust which reappears as fast as I try to get rid of it, all cupboards have had to be emptied and cleaned, and I'm desperate to get some carpet back on the floor!
Knitting has been slow I'm afraid. I haven't really felt like doing much but I've taken a photo of my 2 wips - the completed back of the Medallion sweater and the beginnings of the Eyelet dress, both from Vogue spring/summer 2008.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

A big step forward

Eight weeks ago this coming weekend, we went to visit my mum and dad for an overnight stay, and when we got home, the ballcock in the bathroom toilet had broken and the house had flooded. A whole months worth of water had poured through the house in a little over 24 hours! Some had gone through the overflow pipe, but this had also broken due to the force of the water!A couple of you out there in blogland knew about this domestic disaster, but rather than bore you all with it in an everlasting saga I decided not to go on about it, but it's the reason why I didn't post for several weeks. We lost almost every carpet in the house, but were lucky in that very few personal possessions were damaged; just a few books and magazines that were left on the floor, food in the freezer that had turned off when the electricity supply tripped, dining chairs. In fact, the most annoying thing was I'd just bought the new Rowan magazine and that was ruined! It took over 6 weeks for the place to dry out properly, with industrial de-humidifiers running 24/7. And tomorrow we're taking a big step forward to having our home back - the first lot of builders are arriving to put us back together. The ceilings need replacing in both the living room and kitchen/diner, all the skirting boards have to come off, and the bathroom floor has to be taken up and replaced - we hope this is what will be started in the morning. After that, another 2-3 weeks work before we're redecorated, then recarpeted. Wish me luck, I think I might need it!